Saturday, January 24, 2009

Waste in the Hotel Industry

So I have been working at the Sheraton Downtown since it has opened, which was at October 1st. I have noticed that there is an incredible amount of waste that goes on behind the scenes. Specifically I am talking about the kitchens. For banquets there is always extra food made just in case needed which makes sense. But the food that does not get eaten at the event is then thrown away by the barrel full. I once watched them throw out hundreds of untouched plated dinners, this has upset me. Not only is the company wasting money but they are throwing us a large resource that could have been donated, if the right company was found. I understand that there are liabilities at hand but should that really matter when there are people not getting food?


  1. Hi Ian - I'm sure you're observing a lot in your internship. If you see something that could be run more effeciently, make a proposal or action plan and take it to your supervisor. Find that organization where you can donate perishable food and share with your supervisors. If you do it in a professional manner - the worst thing that could happen is that they say no. Best of luck!

  2. I myself have been working in banquets at my internship and I have to agree with you--there is so much waste that happens when it comes to banquets and it shocked me! Unfortunately it is the client(s) who are paying for this banquet and we cannot force them to eat their food.

  3. I feel the same way about the galley here on base. Everyday they over-estimate the number of students/employees that will be eating. Because we are the Coast Guard they do send some of the leftovers to a local shelter, but I often feel as though something more needs to be done.

    I agree with Ms. Owen about finding a place to donate! =)
